itmSUITE is pleased to announce the availability, both in traditional and in cloud mode, the module REP ® itmSUITE that makes possible the creation and distribution of reports in respect of all information managed by the suite.
The main features of the new module are:
The power of REP is immediately available to all users of itmSUITE ® or itmCLOUD ® with the purchase of the add-on module only. In other words, the power of an advanced reporting tool is now available with an affordable! Learn more about the new module REP...
You might wonder how itmCLOUD®can stand out from the crowd in a market like Incident Managment that is packed with competitors and tools. The answer lies in the product's configurability which means that Incidents can be assigned to the correct solution group, and its ability to monitor and react to KPIs. Both of these factors make it extremely efficient and a point of reference in its field.