What is itmCloud

itmCLOUD® is the version of itmSUITE® available as a service (or SaaS, Software-as-a Service). It is an the integrated suite that effectively supports processes in the domain of service management and business transformation.


The advantages of itmCLOUD

Effectiveness and Optimal ROI

It adapts to customer requirements without compromise, thanks to a workflow engine, flexible and easily configurable, ensuring effectiveness and maximizing return on investment.

Optimal functional coverage

It relases a comprehensive set of functionalities satisfying the needs of the most mature organizations.

Enabler of best practices

It facilitates the introduction and maturation of best practices in the domains of service management and business transformation management.

Optimal TCO

It does not require developments or customizations, optimizing the total cost of ownership.

ISO/IEC 20000 Ready

It greatly facilitates the fulfillment of the requirements of the standard for the quality of IT services.

Enabling compliance

It makes it simple to enblae and control the execution of processes and activities.



Questions? Contacts Us: info@itmsuite.eu or call 0044 2035295682.