itmSUITE® is a modular solution including several components which can be classified in two groups: core modules and complementary modules. The modules deliver functionalities and they are the components to be chosen in order to build solutions to business needs.
Core modules
The core modules are the starting points from which you have to start. It is necessary to have at least one of them in order to start using itmSUITE® functionalities.
The core modules are the following:
SM - Service Desk and Service Management
PM - Project and Portfolio Management
CMS - Configuration Management System
DE – Discovery Engine
Complementary Modules
itmSUITE® offers many other optional complementary modules enhancing the functionalities of the core modules and making itmSUITE® one of the most complete and highly performing product for service management and business transformation. To install a complementary module, the presence of a compatible core module is a prerequisite. The list and compatibility of complementary modules is shown in the schema below: