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Distinctive Features

The Distinctive Features of itmSUITE have a beneficial impact on Cross Practices and on the specific processes supported by best practices.

Roles Ready

The applications of itmSUITE support the typical roles of the practices of IT Service Management (eg. Process Owner, Service Owner) as well as those of portfolio, Programme and Project Management (eg. Project Manager).


Native Service Orientation

The concept of Service is pervasive in all applications. In psm, for example, master data can be easily configured in order to have different visibility and management for each IT Service. In visualCMS, there is a different kind of mapping and structure of the CMDB for each IT Service.


Workflow Engine & Cartridges

It is a powerful workflow engine (that includes a forms designer) that guarantees precise automation of the processes. The engine has such a high level of flexibility that it even allows the automation of process that are outside the primary focus (e.g. processes of management of buying requests or of general services). Workflow cartridges that implement the key processes in best practices supported (eg. Incident Management) are also available.


Reporting Engine

itmSUITE has a powerful open source reporting engine (BIRT) thanks to which reports can be easily prepared and carried out by using all the information gathered.



The KC application of itmSUITE is a dashboard that besides being powerful is also intuitive and easy to configure; that results in overall control on all processes and events.


Codeless Customization

The philosophy and the objective on which itmSUITE is based is that of making it possibile to adjust applications to different contexts without any kind of programming or customizing, but simply by setting parameters using the standard functions of the product. It follows that costs and times for the starting stage are very low and the Total Cost of Ownership is highly competitive.