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Cross Practices

Cross Practices are areas of activity, often processes, that are present in and fundamental to Portfolio, Programme and Project Management but also to IT Governance and IT Service Management.

Let's look in more detail at how itmSUITE® supports these areas

Management Control

Control of initiatives/processes/performances. This practice is supported by the possibility to automate the lifecycle of controls with the workflow engine, with the possibility to determine KPIs and thresholds of real-time control for processes and instances (using the Objective Calculation Engine) and trigger not only communications, but also actions and workflow. The availability of reporting and dashboard completes the package.


Benefits Management

Planning and attainment of tangible benefits for the business. Despite it's fundamental importance, this activity is often forgotten: everything that is done in an organisation should lead to planned results! ItmSUITE, and psm in particular, make it possible to manage benefit files and their lifecycle through workflow. In addition, there also are the capabilities of reporting and the dashboard. This is a fundamental core practice for Portfolio and Programme Management.


Financial Management

Financial planning, costs and revenues (for budget, final balance and forecast). ItmSUITE, in particular with psm, fully supports the overall financial management of initiatives (eg. projects, programmes, portfolios), processes or IT services but also single process requests (eg. a Change) by managing all kinds of costs (budget, final balance and forecast), so as to ensure their control (through snapshots, reporting and dashboard). To this end, specific tools for the management of timesheets and the management of travel expenses are provided.


Risk Management

Management of risks at all levels (project/service, programme, portfolio, enterprise). itmSUITE supports the management of risks at all levels and supports the principle of escalation. In particular, it automates the management of the lifecycle of issues and risks and lets users visualize the aggregate risk and the map of risks.


Organizational Governance

Transparency on who decides what, when and how. Not only does itmSUITE allows such transparency but it actually guarantees Governance. How? Mainly by making it possible to establish processes, levels and fields of authorizations in workflows.


Resource Management

Planning and management of all the different kinds of resources needed (people, infrastructures, etc.). ItmSUITE is particularly focused on human resources. It actually makes it possible to represent and manage (to plan) the state of engagement on different project activities and Business As Usual at the same time. This is a unique characteristic of our suite that sets us apart from the competition.